Just WRAPPED on a fantastic 3 day shoot DIRECTING / ACTING in new drama F#@K I LOVE U!

A huge thanks to FILOVEU creator Lucky Mor for inviting me to directing the last couple episodes of the show the past 3 days. It's never 'work' when you enjoy who you are working with and what you are working on.  Pleasure working with such a stellar cast and crew! Thank you to Lucky, Producer Karina Farah and DP Stephen Ling for being rock solid. Here are some pics from the weekend!

Great photo of DP Stephen Ling.

Great photo of DP Stephen Ling.

Angie got a beating...

Angie got a beating...

Douglas and Angie Winston of F#@K I LOVE U.

Douglas and Angie Winston of F#@K I LOVE U.

Going over the shot list.

Going over the shot list.